How women used to dress back in the 17,18, th century

How women used to dress back in the  17,18, th century

European Costume

European Costume

Shilouette changes 1794-1887

Shilouette changes 1794-1887
This is back in the old time how poeple used to dress

Two Seamstresses rue du claire

Two Seamstresses rue du claire

Fashion Back in the old time

Fashion Back in the old time

Saturday, April 14, 2007

History of fashion

Fashion reflects not only social history and the needs of women, but also the overall cultural aesthetic of the various periods. Fashion has evolved in the past hundred years just as it has over time--as our culture and attitudes changes, fashion comes along with it. It is hence required to understand the evolution of fashion and some of the factors that played a role in its development.


Sharon said...

Hey Gardine, yes I did make it home okay. I got off the bus and walked really fast to my house. But the main thing is that i made it.

Anonymous said...

hey relly nice history.